Title: The Ragnarok Chronicles
Author: Nicki J. Markus
Length (print): 678
Genre: Fantasy Adventure/Mythology/Romance
Suitable: 16 years and above
For Ragnarok will be completed….Nothing marks Cassandra out—except her visions. She’s only ever seen small, insignificant things. That is until the strange frost arrives.
With her normal life turned upside down, Cassandra is plunged into an extraordinary and terrifying world of Norse gods and rampaging giants, ancient feuds and broken prophecies.
A handsome stranger offers aid. But can Cassandra really trust him? More importantly, can she trust her own judgment when his slightest touch sets her heart and her body aflame?
Book trailer
Experiences of Self-Publishing
Nicki J
marks a new stage in my life as a writer. Previously my work was
published by others, but now I am branching out into the world of
self-publishing for the first time with my new novel The Ragnarök
Chronicles. My decision to self-published this work was twofold:
1) my story did not fit easily into the categories and word count
requirements for most publishers; and 2) this book is my baby and
means more to me than anything I’ve written previously, so I was
keen on the idea of retaining complete creative control.
was familiar with the process of self-publishing before I started,
but new to formatting, cover design etc. I decided to attempt much of
the production myself and this certainly required me to submit to a
steep learning curve. I’d only made one-page documents in InDesign
in the past, and now I was attempting a 678 page book. And then there
was the cover design. I had a strong idea of how I wanted it to look,
but it took several hours of fiddling with my Photoshop, using what
little knowledge of the software I possessed, to produce the end
a while all seemed to be going well. Then I hit the EPUB formatting.
At first, all was fine, but suddenly my file was losing text and not
letting me put it back in, and after several teary and stressful
hours, I admitted defeat and sent the PDF to a professional to
complete the conversion.
me the moral of the story is: know your limits. I wanted to complete
all the work myself, not least for the sense of pride at the end, but
I also wanted to produce a book that was of professional quality for
readers. So when it came to it, I bowed to my limited skill set and
sought help, and that would be my advice to anyone else looking to
self-publish. Be realistic and keep in mind what it is you want to
journey from the first seed of the idea to the publication of The
Ragnarök Chronicles lasted around eight months and involved a
lot of work, a great deal of stress, and even a few tears. But it has
all been worth it to get my story out there and share it with
readers. I hope everyone will find it an enjoyable tale and find as
much pleasure reading it as I experienced writing the characters and
seeing it all come together.
gripped the arms of his throne, clenching and unclenching his muscles
as he stared at Loki’s fast-retreating back. And retreating was
certainly the word for it. Although the godling would doubtless try
to convince himself otherwise, his nephew had not come out the victor
on this occasion. Surtr imagined he was expecting to be attacked even
now, and it could not be denied Surtr was eager to set his men on the
little upstart. All he had to do was give the word and it would be
over. There was no way the ragr could
survive if forced to battle the entire court, regardless of the power
Surtr had sensed flowing in the half-breed’s veins.
the end it was the power that stayed Surtr’s hand. That kind of
worship for the Æsir did not exist anymore—of that he was
certain—so what was its source? From whence had the influx of magic
originated? Loki was clearly up to something and Surtr did not like
not knowing what was going on. They may have fought on the same side
once, but Surtr had never trusted his friend’s sly son and he was
not about to start doing so now. He doubted not but that Loki felt
the same way about him. For that he could admire his nephew: the boy
was not a complete fool. He would find out what mischief the godling
was planning. Once he knew the extent of the ragr’s
machinations he could decide on the best way of dealing with him.
With the rest of the Æsir long gone, their bones littering Vígríðr,
Surtr ruled supreme and had no further need of the pretender. Perhaps
it was time Loki, Son of Laufey joined his chosen family in the dust.
waited until his attendants had closed the door behind his visitor;
then he called over his head guard. “I want him followed. But
subtly. Take the horse so you can move between the realms. Make no
show of your presence, but go wherever he goes. I want to know
everything he is doing, everyone to whom he speaks. Understand? The
son of Fárbauti is not to lift a finger without my knowing about
Lord, I am yours to command.” The guard gave a low bow, and then
sped through the chamber and out into the courtyard beyond.
Buy Links:
Amazon US (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SW0TV46/Amazon UK (Kindle): www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00SW0TV46/
Amazon AU (Kindle): http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B00SW0TV46/
Barnes & Noble (NOOK): http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-ragnar-k-chronicles-nicki-j-markus/1121134764?ean=9780994234612
Kobo (EPUB): http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/the-ragnarok-chronicles
Amazon US (Paperback): http://www.amazon.com/Ragnarök-Chronicles-Nicki-J-Markus/dp/0994234600
Amazon UK (Paperback): http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ragnarök-Chronicles-Nicki-J-Markus/dp/0994234600
The Book Depository (Paperback): http://www.bookdepository.com/Ragnarök-Chronicles-Nicki-Markus/9780994234605
About the author
Nicki J Markus was born in England in 1982, but now lives in Adelaide, South Australia with her husband. She has loved both reading and writing from a young age and is also a keen linguist.Nicki launched her writing career in 2011. She published works through Wicked Nights Publishing and Silver Publishing before both companies closed their doors. She is now self-publishing some of her works.
Nicki also writes M/M fiction under the alternate pen name of Asta Idonea and has had several short stories published by Wayward Ink Publishing.
Nicki works as a freelance editor and proofreader and in her spare time enjoys: music, theatre, cinema, photography, sketching, history, folklore and mythology, pen-palling, and travel.
Social media links
Blog: http://www.nickijmarkus.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NickiJMarkus
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NickiJMarkus
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolamarkus
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4567057.Nicki_J_Markus
Author Interview
What made you decide to write?
I loved books from a very young age. When we were children, my mother would ask me and my sister what we wanted to do with her for the afternoon. Invariably, my sister would want to play with dolls and I would ask to read a book. So, you can see books and reading have been a lifelong habit.
For many years I wanted to be a writer, but never did anything about it. It was only after my move to Australia that I decided enough was enough: if I wanted it, I should do it. My first publications were several short stories that were released through Wicked Nights Publishing. From there, I released two novellas with Silver Publishing in 2011 and 2012. However, when both those publishers closed their doors, I found myself back at square one.
I had done a lot of
editing work in the M/M genre, and when Wayward Ink Publishing opened
and I started to edit for them, I decided to try my hand at something
new and submitted to one of their anthologies. That story, The
Raider, was accepted and was published under my M/M alternate pen
name, Asta Idonea. Since then I’ve had several more short stories
accepted by them, and I just sent in a novella for their
consideration, which I hope to hear back on later this month.
Meanwhile, I did not
neglect my mainstream writing and commenced my first novel, The
Ragnarök Chronicles, as well as deciding to re-edit/rework my
two older novellas for self-publication. One of those, Time-Keepers,
came out in January, and the other, Day-Walker, will release
in May.
I have a wild
imagination, full of characters and stories, and I wanted to be a
writer so I could share them with others. Hopefully readers will come
to love the characters as much as I do!
Do you read in your free time? If so what if your chosen Genre?
Reading is a favourite pastime of mine; I only wish I had more free
time for it than I do at present. I read fairly widely across the
categories; although, I do tend to steer clear of chick lit and true
crime. However, my favourite genres are literary fiction and
Do you prefer quiet space to write or with sound in the background?
I normally love music, I prefer complete silence when I write, to the
point where I prefer to work on my stories when I have the house to
myself—even knowing my husband is wandering around in the other
rooms can be a distraction. I type in the study on our desktop PC,
but I always edit from a printed copy, sitting in the chair by the
window in my library/music room.
Do you share your writings with friends and family? Or do you prefer
them to NOT read your work?
love to have friends and family read my work. Generally my husband is
the only one who sees things pre-submission. He’s my sounding board
when I finish a first draft. He’s not overly literary-minded and
doesn’t ‘critique’ as such, but he does give me an initial
reader’s opinion on whether the story and characters are coming
across well or if there are any plot issues. Other family members and
friends will usually buy my books once they come out, and I send
regular email/social media updates to them when I have something new
on the horizon.
said, my new foray into the world of M/M has been interesting. My
parents still buy the books to support me, but I believe only my
father has read any so far... my mother’s a little more tentative
about that genre! They are both currently reading The
Ragnarök Chronicles though.
My mother is halfway through Book Two, but my father is still lagging
behind in Book One.
What things do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I have tons of hobbies and interests—too many, probably, since I
struggle to find time for them all! I am a keen linguist (I have a
PGDip in Translation) and love learning new languages; although, I
get less time to practise them all now I live in Australia and can no
longer nip to Paris or Prague for the weekend. I’m interested all
forms of the arts, and I enjoy sketching, singing, piano, flute,
theatre and cinema. I also write letters to my pen pals, do
cross-stitch, and love to learn about folklore, myth and history....
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